Saturday, February 28, 2015

Goodbye February.....Welcome March.....Feeling Positive.....

Busy February is ending.  Blizzards, wind chill, snow and cold as usual put me on a litmus test during travels. I braved it whether it is a weather related flight delay or getting stranded in an airport during a layover.
Manhattan view

Being calm is the essential ingredient to face the unknown during travels.
February is a month that gives one a first ray of hope for spring. It begins with the Ground Hog's day. Theories about global warming also float during this month when a bizarre blizzard or icy rain strikes.

After new year, January literally push us to execute the resolutions made during the New Year! First 10 days are very intense in executing the diet plan, exercise schedule and after that the enthusiasm slowly fades away.  Then comes February with its sudden spurt of  cold weather and freaky snow storm and life becomes normal. An excuse for not going to the gym, lounging and blaming the weather!
On a flight to CT

Today is the last day of February and it feels good to step into March. March usually brings another surge of optimism to end the quarter successfully both in business and personal life, to learn from the mistakes and think positively. Life goes on - teaching us to adapt to nature, smile and  not to blame the weather when we know very little about the grand design of the universe.
Spring is not far!


All content copyright © by Sobana Iyengar.