Saturday, December 10, 2011


The year 2011 is at the last lap waiting to touch the finish line.  Revolutions are the headline news. In Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, Yemen, Libya, Syria the people surged against the oppressive regimes. Media has described the revolutions in many names, "people's", "inciting", "parliamentary" to name a few.  Internet and technology played a major role in communication and organizing protests and marches. Violence and bloodshed has left an indelible mark. The resolution to have a democratic election and government was not achieved everywhere. The journey is long and the road need to be built not by the fundamentalist or radicals but by the people who are oriented towards democracy and peace.

When one part of the World is going thru the revolutionary process,  the other half of the World is rallying to reinvent itself by questioning the financial structure and market economy.  Media is calling these as social unrest and protest. In Russia it is "election unrest".  In the USA it is "occupying Wall Street". World leaders are meeting in summits, blaming each other and arguing why economic theories did not work.  European Union and the pan euro concept has increased the animosity between the core and the peripheral EU countries. In the USA, we are waking up to reality that in a global market structure, competition can lead to power shift if the own resources and internal issues are not taken care of.

Yet with all the unrest, protest, uncertainty, confusion, there is always hope.  A democratic election, a non-violent protest,  an entrepreneur creating jobs,  actions towards protecting the environment, a thought that comes even occasionally to leave a cleaner earth for the future generations, an action plan to uplift the oppressed from poverty, a statement showing solidarity to help the abused children, building a school in a remote village, a medical research that save lives -  if these small steps are extended exponentially will there be a need for painful revolutions.....


All content copyright © by Sobana Iyengar.