Sunday, July 11, 2010


Mata Amirthanandamayi, affectionately called as the "Hugging Saint" or Amma is in town. Just returned from the evening lecture and bhajans. It was a great comfort to be in her presence, who relentlessly works and helps the unfortunate people all over the World.  In today's lecture she mentioned about the need to reflect and to develop awareness. The human mind will always oscillate between good and bad thoughts and sometimes what is bad may even be more tempting. If one practices to distinguish between the good and the bad thoughts, that awareness will help one to prevent the action related to that bad thought.

Amma was born in a fisherman's village in Kerala on the shores of Arabian sea in India.  Started helping her poor villagers and showered love on them when she was a little girl.  She expanded her universal love to all. Her smile and empathetic hugs bring donations and volunteers to serve the community not only in India but poor and destitutes all over the world.  Her spiritual organization runs projects related to charity, education, housing and empowerment of women.

On the stage Amma was singing beautifully the Bhajan song "Praise Mother". The well orchestrated chorus, the rhythm of the cymbals, the lovely music from the harmonium and her sweet voice pushed me into that divine experience. Slowly my heart melted into sheer joy and peace.

On the way home, I was silent, smiling, and thinking "Thank You God".

All content copyright © by Sobana Iyengar.


  1. Visalakshi MenonJuly 11, 2010 12:19 PM

    Dear Sobana,
    Thanks for sharing that. Yes, I have been hering somuch about Amma andher healing powers -some members of my family are great dvotees of Amma but I have never been to any of her meetings.

  2. Dearest Shoby,
    glad that you seem to have enjoyed the experience.
    take care,

  3. Thanks Kumkum. I think it is much elevating when I do not have any requests or petitions while meeting great souls like Amma. I wish I could help more for all those charitable works she is doing.
